The relationship between yourself and your environment – both externally and internally
We are in constant exchange with our environment. In the process of living, we absorb nourishment from the environment on many levels, including solid food, liquid and gases and the more subtle but equally crucial nourishment of light, heat and the full range of vibrations and waves filling the space around us. The quality of our external and internal biome and microbiome is important.
Exposure to physical, emotional and chemical violence – the commonsense choice is to opt for a “safe” or less hostile environment
Exercise and Proprioception
The relationships and communications between cells, organs and complex systems inside your body
Each Cell has the imprint of the total self and yet has its own unique function in relation to all the other cells. We have 75 trillion cells that make up our physical body. Good communication between cells is essential to maintain a healthy body.
Organs are a collection of cells that work co-operatively with other organs. As their job is to keep us alive and if any lacks the ability to do its job properly, the others will work vicariously to assist until help arrives.
The Hormonal System, the Nervous system, the Meridians, the Cardio-vascular System etc- all need to be effective and efficient in their own right and also be able to communicate harmoniously with one another.
The inter-relationships of all the above spiritually, mentally, emotionally, chemically and physically
We are complex whole beings and it is disrespectful to take only one aspect and disregard the rest. Every part impacts on the whole.
New reductionist nanophysiological chemical approaches to human health solutions would appear to be myopic. From what I understand and believe, the human being is more than a collection of chemicals and minerals. Concentrating on a part or aspect of the body and fragmenting and isolating this area from the whole does not honour the wholeness, integrity, intelligence and magnificence of the being.
Quote from Michio Kushi : “Knowledge of the physical mechanics of a vibrating violin string cannot explain the majesty of a great symphony”
Let Love, Gratitude and Generosity permeate ubiquitously in every atom of our being as we radiate these blessings out to one and all.