

The Chiren® is a specially developed bio-resonance instrument  designed in Germany  which measures 120 acupuncture meridian points on the fingers and toes . These meridian points correspond to the various organs systems.

Each point tested has a frequency which will be coherent i.e healthy, or incoherent i.e. disturbed. Healthy cells radiate coherent light and unhealthy cells radiate chaotic light. When a disturbance is found, the opposite frequency is applied to eliminate it.



In 1974, biophotons were discovered by Fritz-Albert Popp, a theoretical biophysicist in Germany. He established the existence of biophotons beyond any reasonable doubt, and proved they originate in the DNA of the cell.  He discovered that this light called biophotons emanates from every living cell at a rate of 100,000 impulses per second.
Biophoton Coherency Therapy tracks down and eliminates disturbances in the body.

Everything has its own specific light emission and vibration. Every biochemical reaction in the body is a result of an electromagnetic frequency. If there is something wrong with the chemistry, then there is something wrong with the frequencies. Basically, the Chiren applies opposite vibrations to the one creating the disturbance.

Cells not only radiate light, but also absorb it and store it.

Cells contain biophotons (biolifephoton: a single particle of light). A healthy cell radiates coherent light, whereas an unhealthy cell radiates chaotic light.

With the CHIREN™, the chaotic radiation is separated, inverted and re-introduced into the body where it meets its opposite and thus neutralizes itself.  As a result, only coherent (healthy) radiation remains.